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Assessing Competence

Page history last edited by Bev Wood 12 years, 12 months ago

The readings here represent some of the literature related to assessing physician competence. As usual, the methods may be open to question and discussion. Choose one paper to review and to link to your experience with learners. Please develop the concepts in the paper based on your teaching experiences.




Commentary on assessment

Kuper A, Reeves, S. Assessment; do we need to broadern our methodological horizons?

Medical Education 2007; 41:1121-1123




Assessing Surgical competence

Darzi A, Mackey S. Assessment of surgical competence. Quality in Healthcare 2001;10 ii64-ii69




Discussion of winning and losing including attribution of the event. This is in follow up to  discussion of self efficacy. Interesting reading.




a video by Daniel Pink on Motivation. It is fun to watch, tho he goes very fast. His points are interesting about how to motivate learners.




Team A: Michelle, Eddy, Ming-Chen

Team B: Ali, Nancy, David


Both groups: This is a an informative article dealing with the usefulness and approaches to lifelong learning. Though you will not be reporting on it, it serves as excellent background reading for both discussion groups. It is easy reading and I recommend you read it also. Moore.pdf


Team A: Assigned readings in QI:

1. Incorporation of QI into Continuing Education:

QI and CE.pdf

2. Paper describing a QI  project: QIMethodsInClinicalPractice.pdf

You can find any additional information you might wish at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement: http://www.ihi.org/knowledge/Pages/HowtoImprove/default.aspx


Team B: Assignment

Assessing Medical Students (these two papers are a pair).

1. Pangaro: Evaluating the professional growth of medical trainees, this paper describes the transitions of a medical trainee from reporter to interpreter to manager to educator.


2.  Sepdham: Using the RIME model for learner assessment and feedback. This model is useful to assess the level of an individual learner'sclinical performance based on case presentation.


3. Article on assessment by Epstein and Hundert (this is another model as well as their thoughts):


4. General comments on assessment related to clinical competence




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