

Page history last edited by Bev Wood 13 years, 3 months ago


Welcome to ACMD 615.

We will use this wiki for posting assignments, commenting on peoples' posts, adding interesting information, and keeping up with what is current.

This course is about physician/healthcare professional competence. How do physicians maintain their competence? If there are topics you would like to introduce, please let me know.

Since it is a fall course, I know we are all busy and have unusual schedules. The course is oriented around 6 units of study, and we will have discussion sessions for some.. Since we are using self directed learning and collaboration, almost all the work will be collaborative after unit 1. I will try my best to have all the readings available through the wiki. Here is the course overview from the syllabus.


ACMD 615 – Maintenance of Competence in Health Professions (2 units): The focus is on ways in which health professionals are able to maintain their competence, assess their performance in practice, reflect on practice, and  stay up to date. As much of what is done in practice is not learned in residency and rapidly expanding and changing information and techniques threaten our proficiency in practice, questions related to how professionals can take steps to maintain their competence and proficiency are at the heart of lifelong learning. In the class we will examine and discuss how people become lifelong learners, self-assessment methods, the importance of developing skills in search and appraisal of resources, how we learn in practice and issues of change. 



Class 1: We will introduce ourselves and please read one of the following two papers:QualityMeasures+NEJM.pdf or committmenttochange.pdf



To access the Elluminate site:

Main site: http://elm.elluminate.com/HOSTEDUSC/ 


However, I tried this one and it worked for me. Julie says you need to use the one above to get to be a moderator.


Join Session: http://elm.elluminate.com:80/HOSTEDUSC/join_meeting.html?meetingId=1231480364145

Instructions for creating and saving a page:

1. Click on "Create a page" at the top right.

2. You will receive a page, give it a title

3. Use the EDIT tab at the top left to write or add anything to your page.Opening session Opening session

4. Be sure to click on "save" at the bottom left when you have finished or your page will disappear.

5. Put your page in the folder for the unit

6. You can add the page to the sidebar by clicking on "edit sidebar" at the bottom of the sidebar

7. Edit and/or add the page by putting the cursor where the page should be listed and then choosing it from the list in the lower part of the tools to the right.

Add a comment

You can add comments to  anyone else's posting either directly on the page (using edit) or in the 'Add a comment' section at the bottom of each page.

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Dates of synchronous, voice classes, Fall, 2011 will be posted after class 1.

Class 1: August 22

Class 2: August 29

NO Class: Sept 5   Labor Day

Class 3: Sept 12

Class 4: Sept 19

Class  5: Sept 26

Class 6: Oct 3

Class 7: Oct 10


Class 8: Final class with individual reports: Oct 24 We will not have a voice class that day. Read the essays of one or more of the others. So far all I have read have been illuminating and inspired.



  (Nov 23: complete final assignment and post on the wiki under Class 8, each student has a folder.)


To achieve the required "contact hours", I have posted a Class 9 and Class 11 folder. Please complete 9, 11 is optional.

Course Syllabus

Here is the course syllabus (remember, it can change)





URL for course:


Login and choose acmd615.



When you get to this general information page; choose ACMD 615 and login.



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