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Class 5 CME Effects Assignment

Page history last edited by Bev Wood 12 years, 12 months ago

Davis article CME and Practice Performance Davis article CME and Practice Performance Your articles:

1. create a brief overview or summary of the article,

2. note the several points, 

3. add your own critique or comments and

****4. Connect the content of the articles with what you know about self directed learning and self directed learners based on the articles from last week. How does the discussion in the article on CME reflect and require the attributes and traits of self directed learning that have been  discussed?

You may want to pay particular attention to the attributes in the models of Candy (4D) and Garrison (3D) These are outlined in the Song article.

 Please post your comments on the wiki by Sunday evening,  Sept 25  so others can read it before class  and make comments.

We will discuss these dimensions and your interpretation on Monday, Sept 26.


1. Associations Say No to industry Funding


Exec Summary

Michelle Olson






2. CME Effect on Physician Knowledge

David Disbrow


3. CME Effect on Knowledge and Psychomotor skills

Ming-Chen Hsieh



4. Science of CME

Nancy Mesiha


5. CME effecct on practice performance

Ali Shakir


6. CME on audience outcomes and change

Eddie Edhayan


7. Simulation

Ming-Chen Hsieh


8. Clinical outcomes

Michelle Olson


9. Future of CME

David Disbrow


10. Effectiveness

All students



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