
Mesiha class 3 reflection

Page history last edited by Nancy.Mesiha@stjohn.org 13 years, 5 months ago

Mesiha Group Reflection Class 3

  1. What steps will you undertake on a day to day basis to help your learners develop skills in reflection?


    • Observe my  learners during inpatient and out-patient encounters


    During daily rounds, I do observe my fellows, residents during interview with patients and families. In most cases, feedback is provided on my part. I am intending before I do that, have a chance to sit with the learners, ask their opinion; how do you feel the encounter went? What went well and what not so well/ what areas you want to improve on?  Then provide a feedback. I think this will allow the learner to reflect on his/her experience and will be more perceptive of the feedback given



    2. Describe some long term steps you will apply to teach reflection as a habit and part of learning for your learners.


    Every few months (3  months), fellows will be given a chance to reflect on their own performance in regards to 2 ACGME competencies at a time. Few questions might be added to guide the reflection. After that , fellows will read their attendings evaluation and reflect on them. Fellows in subsequent reflections, will be provided with their own previous ones and reflect on their progress.


    These will be kept confidential, in the learner portfolio,(journal) as a way of encouraging and teaching that reflective skills are needed all through their careers.




    3. What are ways you may wish to undertake assessment and evaluation of reflection.


     Learners to identify their learning issues/needs and describe what steps

    they plan to take to address them.


    Invite learners to identify lessons they’ve learned and discuss how they intend

    to use these new learnings. 


    Reflect with learners on their refections and self-assessments. They are also likely to need your feedback on their reflections.

    This year we had our fellows evaluate themselves using the same form provided to staff and patients (360 evaluation) Discrepancies between their assessments and that of others was discussed with fellows at the end of the process. This resulted in a constructive feedback.


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