[Team A: Ming-Chen, Eddie, Michelle]
Definition of Need
A motivating which force that compels action for its satisfaction.
“Need” Case scenario: Research Fellowship
Background: Research Fellowship development lays the foundation for the quality enhancement in medical research. However, programs are not always based on the needs of the participants.
Target Audience
Selected Surgery and Medicine residents who currently or intend to reside in ** Hospital and who propose to engage in clinical and population health research.
To increase knowledge of career opportunities in research and the likelihood of residents’ pursuing additional research training, and recruit potential fellows into the ** Medical School research fellowship programs.
Program Learning Plan
Weekend of educational sessions, tours, and discussions
Application and assessment
Applicants should list their qualifications and experience and the program of research proposed. It is also the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that some referees reports, providing their opinion of the applicant’s ability.
Need Assessment
Application checklist. A questionnaire is also designed, pilot-tested and administered to all members. The respondents rate the perceive importance (high, moderate, low) and their performance (good, average, poor) on competencies described in the research literatures. The ratings of perceived importance - high/moderate, and self-rated performance- average/poor, can be summed up to determine priority rankings for the program.
Outcomes and Learners Assessment
The respondents’ rating of various research activities, their willingness to participate and commit time, comments and their suggestions for strengthening research ability development can also be analysed. Also need to collect the numbers that they final willing to devote hours per week to the faculty development.
“Change” Case scenario: Faculty Research Program
Scholarly activity is an important part of a residency training program both for the residents and for the faculty. The ACGME not only requires research training for residents but also scholarly activity on the part of teaching faculty, especially those designated as “core faculty.” Citations for inadequate scholarly activity in the faculty are not uncommon at RRC reviews. In an independent academic center, faculty scholarly activity can be more difficult to assure as there is little to no “protected time” for these pursuits.
In our hospital, the general surgery residency currently has a probationary accreditation with the RRC. In addition to curricular changes to the program, the PD hopes to invigorate faculty participation in both the residency program in general and scholarly activity specifically.
- Establish a sense of urgency
- Program Faculty need to understand the ramifications of probationary accreditation for the residency
- Program Faculty need to be made aware of the RRC requirements about research and scholarly activity
- Make faculty aware of their/the department’s historical performance in this area
- Create a guiding coalition
- Program PD uses the Quality Improvement Committee for the residency program to create/vet ideas, and to help deploy the message
- Develop a sense of vision and a strategy
- Success of the recently developed resident research program provides a framework for the faculty program
- Involve Section Heads in detailing the course of inquiry for the respective groups
- Determine benchmarks for success
- Institute monthly meetings where groups discuss their projects on a rotating basis
- Communicate the change vision
- Use of staff meeting to communicate the vision
- Use of Section Heads to communicate the plan
- Use of the QI members to help garner enthusiasm
- Use the residents to help garner enthusiasm
- Empower broad-based action
- Allow faculty to help set goals for scholarly productivity – this allows them to feel that goals are possible, that their ideas/concerns are important
- Public discussion of research ideas and plans helps to provide focus to some projects
- Generate a “culture of inquiry” where faculty are used to and comfortable talking about their research ideas and projects within the group
- Generating short term wins
- Publically acknowledge abstract/paper submissions within the department – make it obvious that this work is being noticed
- Consolidating Gains
- Compare historical data on scholarly activity to prospectively collected data to demonstrate if there is an improvement in scholarly activity among faculty
- Anchor new approach in culture
- A successful site visit would go a long way to validating the changes within the program
- Increased scholarly activity in our department will garner recognition from the hospital and from the GME
- Increased participation in meetings will help to improve the standing of the residency program and the hospital on a regional and national level
Comments (2)
Bev Wood said
at 1:14 pm on Sep 18, 2011
Both are very creative scenarios.
In the "needs" sceario, I am not convinced there is a need among the residents for a research program. Perhaps this is what is planned in the weekend program, so I would be very interested to know the proposed content and goals of the program.
Tell me more about the questionnaire and the application checklist---these sound very interesting.
For the "change" scenario.
You are planning a number of changes motivators, which should get the faculty on board behind the accreditation. The residency research program should be helpful to get the faculty attention---but how are you planning to use it?
Please describe the "change vision" you are planning to communicate. How do you know faculty will be enthusiastic about it? How will you gather them into the collaboration: I believe you focus on this in #6 and 7.
elango.edhayan@... said
at 6:45 pm on Sep 18, 2011
Most residents have done research to get into competitive programs. As such, they possess an innate intellectual curiosity to participate in research. Further, most residents go on to do fellowships and the selection criterion includes peer reviewed publications. From a program standpoint, one of the chief advertising criteriawith new recruits is the ammount of research oppurtunity present in a program. Most independent academic centers (Community programs) do not have the research programs that university based programs have. As such a research program is an essential need for residents and thier program.
Financial incentives will be tied into the resarch program. In our program we have a pool of $20,000 a year. Attending surgeons get points for research activity. They get 1 point per abstract submitted, 2 points per presentation at a regional conference and 3 points for a publication in a peer reviewed journal. The dollar ammount is prorated amongst all the surgeons that have points at the end of the year. This program has been successful in creating an environment where clinical research is done.
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