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Mesiha class 5

Page history last edited by Nancy.Mesiha@stjohn.org 13 years ago

The Science of CME

Effectiveness of CME - Evidence Based Educational Guidelines

In this paper,the Evidence Based Guideline Committee(EBG) reviewed the Evidence based practice center(EPC) review methodology

Purpose was to evaluate and critique the review

Findings were discussed in the article in details but the take home points were:

     Need for clarification of the various terminology used in CME to help future research efforts, standardized definitions

     Increase funding for CME research

     should include documentation of teaching and learning principles in the design of CME trials

     randomized controlled studies, clear definition of intervention, and comparison to a control group

     measure effects at multiple points post-intervention


In CME research various questions on different levels are to be addressed

     The Learner

     External Variables

     Nature of the change,size,characteristics etc--

The CHEST framework( CME activity,Learner, EXternal variables, Content)





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