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Class 8 Assignment

Page history last edited by Bev Wood 12 years, 11 months ago

Please prepare a final essay and include the following:

1. The topic you have found interesting in the class and wish to develop further.

2. Why this topic is of interest to you; what is its importance in  healthcare?

3. You own concept, perception of the topic. Why it is of importance.

4. How you will apply the topic in your work (an example is fine here).


The essay need not be very lengthy; one-two pages is enough

Please post it by Oct 23 and read one of the other postings and make specific and meaningful comments on it.


We will not have an audio class that evening, as it is more important to write your essay and post it and read another.


Don't neglect to provide some feedback on the course, so it can be improved in the future.

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